Swine Flu pandemic, Swine Flu Symptoms, Swine Influenza
According to the latest data, the new flu virus that is transmitted between humans has genetic components of human strains, two types of poultry and pigs: Eurasian and American.After its discovery was called 'swine flu', although it has yet been demonstrated its presence in pigs.
It is not the first time that an animal virus is detected before in humans. Scientists first found the AIDS virus in the early 80s in a U.S. gay community, but it took years to prove that the origin of HIV in African chimpanzees.
According to published 'The New York Times, the Mexican authorities have inspected visually several farms near La Gloria, which could have produced the first cases in search of sick animals, but have found no apparent evidence of disease.
However, scientists warn that pigs may be carriers of the virus and suffer no consequences, like the H5N1 strain, the most aggressive bird flu can kill chickens, but does not usually cause serious problems to ducks.
Samples of animals in stables in La Gloria could shed light on the issue, although it is possible that even these herds are the source of the problem.
Another issue of concern to scientists is how there has been the genetic mix of two breeds of pigs.
Apparently, the legal importation of pigs between continents is unusual because, as these animals can transmit many diseases, it requires multiple steps, including testing and quarantine.
The U.S. press suggests that the key may lie in an illegal trade in these animals.
The first humans affected
The scientific community is not only trying to find where the virus was conceived, but also what was the first human in question.
Until a few days ago, was given by the fact that the initial focus was on Mexico. In fact, it has been suggested that the child might be Mexican Edgar Hernandez patient 0. However, since the United States has been called into question this hypothesis.
The first four cases are divided evenly between Mexico and California. In fact, it appears that two children of this American state became ill in late March, several days before the first two known cases Mexicans.
Despite this, many people point out that Mexico already detected in mid-March, a slight increase in patients attending the doctor for severe respiratory problems like pneumonia. It has shown that the virus detected, H1N1, can cause this complication.
This slight increase was not caused much concern and the principle that each year approximately 20,000 people die from pneumonia in Mexico.
The fact that the infection has caused deaths in Mexico alone has generated speculation about the possibility that the Mexican strain was different from the rest of the world. However, the research director of the WHO, Marie Paule Kieny, has remarked that the virus detected in Mexico, United States and Europe are equal to 99% of its genome. "We can say that the same virus. We have no satisfactory explanation for why the symptoms are more severe in Mexico than in other countries," said
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